MSIP Accountability

Explanation of Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Action Steps
ePeGS (Electronic Plans and Electronic Grants System) and how it is tied to RGSD Accountability Plan -  GOALS, OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIES, and ACTION STEPS

The Grants and Plans System (ePeGS) is being developed to enable school officials to directly connect funding streams with required plans and specific school improvement objectives.  It will be a consistent, consolidated system for districts to submit grant applications and required plans.  The following definitions will help districts and the DESE staff achieve consistency as the application is designed and implemented.

GOALS:  For planning purposes, five overarching goals have been developed.  These goals are statements of the key functions of the school districts that organize the plan into areas of responsibility and emphasis.  These areas are common to many Comprehensive School Improvement Plans (CSIP) currently in place in districts around the state.

I.    Student Performance
Develop and enhance quality educational/instructional programs to improve performance and enable students to meet their personal, academic and career goals.

II.  Highly Qualified Staff
Recruit, attract, develop, and retain highly qualified staff to carry out the LEA (local educational agency)/District mission, goals, and objectives.

III. Facilities, Support, and Instructional Resources
Provide and maintain appropriate instructional resources, support services, and functional and safe facilities.

IV. Parent and Community Involvement
Promote, facilitate, and enhance parent, student, and community involvement in LEA/District education programs.

V.  Governance
Govern the LEA/District in an efficient and effective manner providing leadership and representation to benefit the students, staff, and patrons of the district.

OBJECTIVES:  Objectives are specific targets that are identified and measured by quantifiable information.  Objectives are tied directly to the goals of the organization.  Long range objectives include specific performance measures to report annual progress toward achieving each objective.

STRATEGIES:  Strategies explain how the objectives will be accomplished.  Strategies identify programs and practices to be implemented, responsible persons, resources committed to the strategy, and timelines for implementation.

ACTION STEPS:  Action plans divide the strategies into more specific responsibilities and activities necessary to implement the programs and practices described in the strategies.  Action steps will also indicate responsible persons, resources, and timelines.

Related MSIP Standards (tied to the 5 Goals)

I. Student Performance:
Resource Standards (MSIP Resource Report)
1.1-1.3 Program of Studies
2.1 Class Size
5.2 Planning Time
6.8 LMC (Core Data also)
6.9 Guidance
7.1 Special Education
7.2 Gifted 7.3 Career Education (Career Ed. Program Evaluation also)

Process Standards (MSIP Process Report, AQ and DRS)  
6.1 Curriculum                                                     
6.2 Assessment                                                       
6.3 Instruction                                                        
6.4 Instructional Resources                                     
6.5 Climate                                                                         
6.6 Safety                                                               
7.4 Preschool
7.5 Parent Education
7.6 Adult Education
7.7 State and Federal Programs
7.8 A+ High Schools (A+ Checklist also)

II. Highly Qualified Staff:
Resources Standards (MSIP Resource Report, AQ, and DRS)      
3.1 LMC Staff
3.2 Guidance Staff                                                 
4.1 Administrative Staff                                         
4.2 Assistant Superintendent                                               
4.3 Building Administrators
5.1 Teacher Certification

Process Standard
6.7 Professional Development                                
(Core Data also)

III. Facilities, Support, and Instructional Resources:
Process Standards (MSIP Process Report, AQ, and DRS) 
6.4   Instructional Resources                                   
6.8   LMC                                                               
8.10 Facilities
8.11 Safe Facilities
8.12 Health Services
8.13 Food Service
8.14 Transportation Service

IV. Parent and Community Involvement:
Process Standards
8.8 Patron, Parent, Staff, and Student Involvement
8.9 Public Information

V.  Governance:

Process Standards                                                 
8.1 Program Evaluation                                          
8.2 CSIP                                                                 
8.3 Board Policies                                                   
8.4 Employment Practices                                      
8.5 Local Financial Resources
8.6 Fiscal Management
8.7 Reporting to DESE and Other Agencies
8.8 Patron, Parent, Staff, and Student Involvement
8.9 Public Information